6. Vectors, Planes and our Matrix

 In this Episode we explain the concept of Vectors, Planes and our Matrix. Each person, each place, each thing, and each idea I encounter in life provides inputs that my brain stores in their corresponding Vectors. Because the brain has a cross-filing system, inputs can be stored in multiple Vectors. Planes connect ("wire" together) Vectors creating a huge Matrix. The collection of inputs at the intersection of the Plane and Vectors represents a past event or situation. This is why I can see and hear in my brain a virtual reality show of past events and situations. The Matrix allows memory paths Vectors, Planes, and the Matrix of Life (a "Ride Down" Vectors and "Ride Along" Planes) to any past Plane of events and situations of my life.


7. Feelings, actions, reactions, and thoughts (FARTs). 


5. Vectors