9. MOP Processes Letters and Words

While GOP is the purely instinctive and autonomic operations of the brain-mind, MOP (the memetic operations) does all the thinking. The MOP acronym is used because memes rhymes with genes and memetic rhymes with genetic. In his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins coined the word "meme" to describe the intergenerational gene-like transference of social, cultural, and psychological behaviors. Dawkins argued that just as genes pass biological information from one generation to the next, memes pass social, cultural, and psychological information from one generation to the next. [Today, memes are considered a popular way to transmitted photograph, video, and verbal expressions to poke fun at nearly everything.] MOP is in charge of memes and a person's vocabulary (collection of words) stored in word Vectors. MOP uses word Vectors to communicate with others and control the voice you hear in your head during self-talk. It's MOP that uses letters, syllables, phonetics, grammar, and words to produce thoughts for written and verbal conversations; and when necessary MOP can invent new words. The average person's Matrix contains a Vector for each letter, a Vector for each syllable, a Vector for phonetics, a Vector for the rules of grammar, and a Vector for each word in the person's vocabulary; and MOP is in charge of all of it. It's MOP that creates a language for a country and the subcultures within a country. MOP uses language to produce and transport the social, cultural, and psychological information that's passed from one generation to the next. With the language MOP creates, it identifies, analyzes, describes, rationalizes, justifies, and/or gives meaning to inputs, human outputs, and the FARs (feelings, actions, and reactions) GOP produces for the inputs


10. MOP Type 1 Thought Production - Cognition


8. My FARTs and My GOP