1. Introduction to PC
The book Producer Consciousness detailed how humans are naturally Producers and how to live a productive and flourishing life under a natural Producer Consciousness. Producer Consciousness: A New Mindset for Education will apply those ideas to inner-city public schools and show how teachers and students can use Producer Consciousness to have productive and flourishing classrooms. [For emphasis, the word Producer and the term Producer Consciousness will be capitalized. The book Producer Consciousness is published online by Blurb, Inc. Go to producerconsciousness.com for podcast of book chapters and conversations with educators.]
Benefits of Producer Consciousness
I thought it would be good to begin by giving some key benefits Producer Consciousness provides teachers and their students:
1. Producer Consciousness language and ideas supplement and not interfere with a teacher’s normal lesson planning.
2. The human brain is a phenomenal production system designed for problem solving and the production of life-sustaining, life-enhancing, and life-flourishing decisions. When the brain is out of sync with its natural design there’s chaos and disorder (stress, anxiety, fear, tension, frustration, anger, boredom, depression, etc.). Many students bring an out of sync brain to the classroom. Producer Consciousness gets the brain back in sync with its natural productive designs.
3. Students often have difficulty articulating feelings, actions, reactions, and thoughts. Teachers, counselors, mentors, and even parents cannot be with a student 24/7 to help the student understand his/her of feelings, actions, reactions, and thoughts. Producer Consciousness is a natural way for a student to understand and communicate his/her feelings, actions, reactions, and thoughts.
4. The vast majority of public school teachers are not licensed psychologists. Yet, everyday teachers are expected to navigate the economic, social, and psychological issues students bring to the classroom. This can overwhelm and contribute to “burnout.” Producer Consciousness promotes emotional intelligence to avoid “burnout.” Also, Producer Consciousness gives teachers a consistent language to deal with all issues students bring to the classroom. Being able to use a consistent language to talk to all students is another tool of emotional intelligence that helps reduce “burnout.”
5. Intellectually, Producer Consciousness helps teachers explore, interpret, and translate any subject or idea (especially, pedagogical theories and methods). Relative to this benefit, in the book Producer Consciousness, Linette Stratford offered:
I am really amazed at how Producer Consciousness makes even the most difficult academic ideas and writings clear. I use Producer Consciousness to teach business ethics at Youngstown State University. Many students have testified to its benefits. One student stated, ‘Producer Consciousness helps to make most situations easier to analyze and understand… it eliminates the need to know every ethical theory.’ Another student called people who use Producer Consciousness ‘out-of-the-box ethical thinkers.’ Students also say how it has impacted their personal lives. One student said it helped him quit smoking. Another said she uses it to better interact with her children.