Breaking the Spell that We are Consumers - February 2023

This article was published in the Feburary 2023 issue of the Youngstown Buckeye Review, a locally owned black publication.   


In the December 2022 and January 2023 issues of the Buckeye Review, I discussed how the word consumer is the most powerful word in the dictionary.  We literally live 24/7 under the spell of the word consumer.  But, as stated, the idea that humans are consumers is the biggest LIE ever told!  The LIE creates a false consumer consciousness (CC) that causes us to see everything as commodities in a transaction and exchange.  The LIE and CC has turned personal relationships into transactions based on a childlike “I Like”—“I Don’t Like” what she/he does or says.  The LIE and CC cause illusions of happiness, self-esteem issues, anger issues, greed, jealousy, stress, all forms of corruption, ethical misconduct, worker alienation, student alienation, and our current social-political conflicts.  


Furthermore, when you consider the thousands of books, articles, and podcasts that have messages about self-help, group empowerment, and dealing with oppression, one has to wonder: 1) Why are physical and mental health issues increasing?  2) Why are we not exercising the political power of the vote? 3) Why are we still talking about failed public education?  4) Why are we still letting our bright young people get caught up in the prison-industrial complex?  5) Why are we still buying stuff we don’t need that harms our health and damages ecosystems?  Answer: we hear all messages under the spell of the LIE that we are consumers and we think, talk, and make decisions about the messages with a false consumer consciousness (CC).   


The LIE and CC prevent us from hearing, listening to, and following our ancestors’ words of wisdom spoken by many sincere teachers who promote physical, mental, spiritual, and financial health and wellbeing.  Indeed, there are sincere voices of wisdom in this newspaper (e.g.,  Linda and Mike McNair’s column on marriage; Linda McNair’s “Mental Health Corner”,  Tonia Farmer-Pitts’ “Dr. ‘Nose’ Best”; Marilyn M. Clarke’s “Nursez Notes A-Z”; Lewis W. Macklin’s “Keeping the Faith”; and Phillip Warren’s “Speak No Evil”). 


So, how do we break the spell of the LIE and CC which prevent us from hearing messages that can liberate us and radically change our community?  Answer: first, know the TRUTH that we are Producers “made” in the image and likeness of the Big Producer of the entire universe.  Second, think, talk, and make decisions with our natural Producer Consciousness that comes from ancient African and Indigenous wisdom teachings. 


Third, realize the LIE and CC are reinforced by media filled with consumer messages of what stuff to buy, where to buy stuff, when to buy stuff, why to buy stuff, how to buy stuff, and from whom to buy the stuff. Unfortunately, these messages are also carried by teachers, relatives, friends, and leaders in the community. 


Fourth, realize there’s a huge number of everyday words related to consumption, buying, or selling that reinforce the LIE and strengthen CC.  This means avoid using words like “payoff”, “priceless”, “sellout”, “silver lining”, “pay a visit”, “better (less) than”, “payback”, “I’m sold”, “scot free”, “you’re worth it”, “you want to bet”, “are you free”, “you earned it”, and “keeping up with the Jones”.  As a daily practice, when you hear or use words like these, replace them with words that represent the truth that we are Producers.  Below are four examples of how to replace words that should be avoided:   


1.  Never say “pay” attention (especially to young people).  Instead, say “produce” attention.  The brain-mind produces hearing and listening.  Saying “produce” attention motivates engagement and respects one’s autonomy.   

2.  Never say “spend” time (especially in relationships).  Instead, say “produce” time to do something or to be together.  “Producing” time involves actual effort to do something or to be together.             

3.  Never say take “credit” for something.  Instead, recognize the quality of one’s production of something.

4.  Never ask young people: What do you want to be (or do) in life?  Implicit in the question is their future ability to buy stuff.  Instead, say you’re a Producer!  So, what Outputs do you want to produce in life?  This opens the door for a discussion about their natural talents and the Inputs they will need to produce desired Outputs.


Breaking the spell of the LIE that we are consumers and its false consumer consciousness (CC) does not mean you can’t attain or possess goods and services.  I’ll talk more about this next time. 


Life is All About Inputs and Outputs - March 2023


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